The B2Run company run! A team event very different
Every year the city-famous B2Run takes place! Due to the Corona pandemic, it unfortunately had to be cancelled the last two years, but now it comes back to the start.
It is the company run par excellence. At the last B2Run Munich in 2019, around 30,000 participants from over 1,500 companies from Munich and the surrounding area were at the start. The 6-kilometer run takes place in Munich’s Olympic Stadium and ends in the historic Olympic Stadium. So the short distance should be doable even for running beginners. Especially since everyone can run at their own pace and breaks in between are also allowed.
Everything you need to know about this run
In contrast to a normal running competition, here the different companies start together and are given their own starting slot, which is regulated every 20 minutes. For those who prefer Nordic walking, they can even compete in their own discipline. After everyone has reached the finish line, an after-run party will be held in the Olympic Stadium.
The teams at the B2Run consist of 6-8 runners. In addition to the start number, each runner receives a chip that is used for timekeeping. So after the race is over, everyone can check what time was achieved. In addition, everyone will receive a certificate, a medal and a personal finish video, which can be happily posted on social media. The journey with the MVV is included in the start package.
True to the motto “Get out of your chairs”, the B2Run wants to encourage companies to run. With many acts and benefits, there is a lot on offer and a day full of fun for everyone with their colleagues. Why don’t you try it out and run as a group with your company?
Do you also want to participate in the B2Run with your company? Then secure your starting place for the B2Run 2023 now! Just click here.
Quelle Titelbild:AdobeStock/pwmotion